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Guidelines for Teaching and Exams
Teaching: University courses and seminars offered by our department
Winter 2019/2020
Summer 2019
Winter 2018/2019
Summer 2018
- Algorithms for Sequence Analysis, Marcel Schulz and Tobias Marschall
- Computational Haplotyping, Tobias Marschall
Winter 2017/2018
- The Elements of Statistical Learning, Thomas Lengauer
- Methods for Population Genetics, Tobias Marschall
- Recent Advances in Genome Assembly, Tobias Marschall
- Probabilistic Methods for the Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data, Marcel Schulz
Summer 2017
- Algorithms for Sequence Analysis, Marcel Schulz and Tobias Marschall
- Algorithms for Pan-Genomics, Tobias Marschall
Winter 2016/2017
- The Elements of Statistical Learning, Thomas Lengauer
- Structural Bioinformatics, Olga Kalinina
- Probabilistic Methods for the Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data, Marcel Schulz
- Computational Haplotyping, Tobias Marschall
Summer 2016
- Statistical Learning in Computational Biology, Nico Pfeifer
- Algorithms for Sequence Analysis, Marcel Schulz and Tobias Marschall
- Computational Pan-Genomics, Tobias Marschall
Winter 2015/2016
- The Elements of Statistical Learning, Thomas Lengauer
- Viral Bioinformatics, Nico Pfeifer and Thomas Lengauer
- Structural aspects in bioinformatics of viruses, Olga Kalinina
- Probabilistic Methods for the Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data, Marcel Schulz
- Methods for Population Genetics, Tobias Marschall
Summer 2015
- Algorithms for Sequence Analysis, Marcel Schulz and Tobias Marschall
- Statistical Learning in Computational Biology, Nico Pfeifer
Winter 2014/2015
- The Elements of Statistical Learning, Thomas Lengauer
- Structural Bioinformatics, Olga Kalinina
- Probabilistic Methods for the Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data, Marcel Schulz
- Methods for Population Genetics, Tobias Marschall
Summer 2014
Winter 2013/2014
- The Elements of Statistical Learning II, Thomas Lengauer
- Structural Bioinformatics, Olga Kalinina
- Advanced Topics in Next Generation Sequencing Analysis, Marcel Schulz
Summer 2013
- The Elements of Statistical Learning I, Thomas Lengauer
- Statistical Learning in Computational Biology, Nico Pfeifer
Winter 2012/2013
Summer 2012
- The Elements of Statistical Learning I, Thomas Lengauer
- Advanced topics in structural bioinformatics, Olga Kalinina
Winter 2011/2012
Summer 2011
- The Elements of Statistical Learning I, Thomas Lengauer
- Computational Systems Medicine, Mario Albrecht
Summer 2010
- Computational Biology / Bioinformatics II, Thomas Lengauer
- Computational Epigenetics (Seminar), Thomas Lengauer
- Computational Genomics and Metagenomics (Block Seminar), Alice McHardy
Winter 2009/2010
- The Elements of Statistical Learning II, Thomas Lengauer
- Phylogenies and viral evolution, Alice McHardy
Summer 2009
- Selected topics in the analysis of biological networks, Elena Zotenko
- The Elements of Statistical Learning I, Thomas Lengauer
Winter 2008/2009
Summer 2008
- Computational Biology / Bioinformatics II, Thomas Lengauer
- The Elements of Statistical Learning II, Thomas Lengauer
- Biological Networks: Databases and Analysis Methods, Mario Albrecht
Winter 2007/08
Summer 2007
- The Elements of Statistical Learning II, Thomas Lengauer
- Biological Networks: Databases and Analysis Methods, Mario Albrecht
Winter 2006/07
Summer 2006
- The Elements of Statistical Learning II, Jörg Rahnenführer
- Computer-Aided Drug Design, Andreas Kämper
Winter 2005/06
Summer 2005
- Computational Biology / Bioinformatics II, Thomas Lengauer
- Computer-Aided Drug Design, Andreas Kämper
- The Elements of Statistical Learning II, Jörg Rahnenführer
Winter 2004/05
- The Elements of Statistical Learning I, Thomas Lengauer
- Structural Bioinformatics , Francisco Domingues, Ingolf Sommer
- Computational Chemistry 2 , Iris Antes
Summer 2004
- Computational Biology / Bioinformatics II, Thomas Lengauer
- Computer-Aided Drug Design, Andreas Kämper
- The Elements of Statistical Learning II, Jörg Rahnenführer
Winter 2003/04
Summer 2003
- Computational Biology / Bioinformatics II, Thomas Lengauer
- Computer-Aided Drug Design, Andreas Kämper